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Mostyn Manor Estates is a deed-restricted community nestled in the piney forest near Magnolia Texas; located just west of the Woodlands off of FM 1488.  Our quiet community features friendly neighbors, large wooded lots, cul-de-sac streets, parks, picnic areas, and a community lake and playground.
Only minutes away from beautiful Lake Conroe, the Woodlands Mall, and the Woodlands Medical Centers, it provides country living with the convenience of nearby shopping, entertainment, and outstanding medical facilities.  It is a great place to call home.
New-home construction is currently underway in Sections 5 & 6, with many choice lots still available.  Come visit us soon.
~ Montgomery County Leash Laws ~
Keeping your pets restrained is not only a deed restriction requirement, it is the law in Montgomery County. If your pet is not properly restrained (on a leash or other restraint described in the ordinance) when not on your property, you are in violation. Please adhere to the leash law.
The entire ordinance can be viewed at arc062017.pdf
Below is a summary of the restraint ordinance. 
Subsection N.
"Restraint" means the control of an animal under any of the following circumstances:
a. When it is controlled by a lead, line or leash that is secured to a secure object or held by a person who is capable of controlling and governing the animal in question;
b. When it is within a fully enclosed vehicle;
c. When it is on the premises of the owner and/or custodian;
d. When it is restrained securely within an enclosure or fence; or
e. When it is under the physical control of the owner or custodian.
Subsection A.
All dogs and cats shall be kept under restraint, as defined in Section II., Subsection N above.

~ POA Board Members for 2024 ~
The 2024 Annual Members Meeting was held on January 22, 2024. The following homeowners were elected/appointed to the Board:
Scott Pritchard
Open Position
Brennon Fitzgerald
Lee Singleton
Gary Matocha

~ Please Pick Up After Your Pets ~
Please use the pet waste stations when walking your pets in the parks. Help keep the parks a clean place for everyone to enjoy.

~ Vacation Watch ~
If you are going to be out of town for the holidays or on vacation you can go to both County Sheriff Vacation Watch and Precinct 5 Constable Watch to sign up for vacation watch while you are gone. Officers will come by and check on your home from time to time while you are away.

~ Slow Down ~
Some residents of Mostyn Manor, and many from outside the neighborhood, have been observed speeding through the subdivision. If you are driving faster than 20 mph you are speeding. Please slow down...the constable will be issuing tickets.

~ Proposed Policies - New State Legislation ~
Proposed Polices Per the New State Legislation. 

~ Golf Carts, ATVs, & Other Vehicles ~
Recent changes in Texas law now allow golf carts and most off-highway vehicles to be operated on public roadways. However, their operation is restricted to certain conditions, and there are certain requirements that have to be met in order to legally do so. For the purposes of this advisory, an “off-highway vehicle” includes ATVs, ROVs, UTV‘s, and sand rails. The following are the conditions where golf carts and off-highway vehicles may be operated, and their requirements.

A person may operate a golf cart or off-highway vehicle in:
• A county or municipality approved master plan community containing a set of HOA/POA rules or restrictive covenant‘s; or
• A public or private beach approved for vehicle or travel; or
• A roadway for which the posted speed limit is not more than 35 mph, and the vehicle is operated during daytime hours in an area not more than 2 miles from the location where the vehicle is usually parked and used for transportation to and from a golf course.

Golf carts and off-highway vehicles must display the appropriate license plate to legally operate on the roadway. The fee for the plate is $10, and the plate does not expire.
• Golf carts and off highway vehicles traveling at the speed of not more than 25 mph are also required to display slow moving vehicle emblem.
• All traffic laws pertaining to the movement and operation of regular motor vehicles apply, and must be obeyed while operating a golf cart or off-highway vehicle in a public roadway.
The Texas Attorney General’s office has stated (No. KP-0364) that the requirement to possess a valid driver’s license to operate a vehicle on a public roadway applies to the operation of golf carts and off-highway vehicles while on a public road. Yes, an operator of a golf cart or off-highway vehicle must possess a valid driver’s license (or learners permit with adult present) to drive on a public roadway. 

~ County Burn Policy ~
The Montgomery County Fire Marshall reminds residents that under current state law, MOST BURNING IS PROHIBITED with very few exceptions.

In unincorporated areas of Montgomery County:
  • Household refuse MAY NOT be burned at any time on less than 5 acres of land, or within a plated subdivision or within 300 feet of a subdivision.
  • Limbs, leaves or other waste may not be transported to residential property and burned, only limbs and leaves gathered on the residential property where the fire is ignited.
  • The burning MUST NOT cause a nuisance. Leaf and other yard debris burning often creates nuisance smoke and is not a recommended means of disposal (yard waste should be bagged or bundled for trash pickup).
Complaint forms for nuisance burning can be found here

~ Section 5, & 6 Construction Update ~
Dunn & Stone Builders are currently building homes in Sections 5 and 6 of Mostyn Manor Estates. Section 5 is nearly built out. Once section 6 is built out, new-home construction in the subdivision will be completed.

~ News to Share? ~
If you have important news to share or information that you feel should be posted on the community web site, use the "Contact Us" link to email your submission to the Web Site Administrator.

~ Use Our Free Classified Ads ~
Have something you want to buy or sell?  Have a service that you would like to advertise?  Mostyn Manor residents can advertise in the free classifieds area of the members-only web site.  Just register as a member, and then place your ad.  Ads are run for up to 120 days at a time, and you can edit, cancel, or resubmit at anytime.
- TIP -
If you want to run a long-term ad, but don't want to retype it every 120 days, save a copy in MS Word, and then cut and paste it into your submission request each time you renew.

~ Reserve Study ~
Click here to view the reserve study.

~ Weather ~


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